Ohio Lucky for Life Number Generator

Don't know which numbers to pick for the next Lucky for Life draw? Tired of playing the same old numbers? Well, if you don't want to ask for an "Auto Pick" ticket in-store, you can try out our Lucky for Life number generator.

This tool will generate a random set of numbers in just a couple of seconds. If you're not happy with the set that has been generated, you can press "Generate" as many times as you want until you get those numbers that look the luckiest to you. The Lucky for Life number generator will give you five main numbers from 1 to 48, and one Lucky Ball number between 1 and 18.

Tuesday's Lucky for Life jackpot is $1,000 A Day For Life
Play Lucky for Life
  • 46
  • 47
  • 44
  • 8
  • 16
  • 3

Generate Multiple Sets of Numbers

Choose how many lines of numbers you'd like to generate:

Generate sets of numbers

Your generated numbers will appear here

Generate again

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